I have learned the game doesn't work on the firefox browser :(

Celeste clone with worse art. Can you beat my fastest time of 1:23.11?


  • a, d, and space to move.
  • wasd and j to dash in 8 directions
  • dash into the ground, and immediately jump to super-bounce.

Destroy the spaceship by triggering an energy storm.

Music is an original composition by me. Art is also made by me.

Updated 3 days ago
Published 4 days ago
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Difficult, Speedrun


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Post-jam comments and analysis:

I am proud of what I was able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. After spending 2 days on just the character controller, I thought I would have barely any time left for making the game feel complete or polished. I really like how the energy wave art turned out. 
For a jam, I think I made it a little too difficult. It took my siblings nearly 30 minutes to beat first try, but I'm fine with the difficulty.
The thing that I am most dissapointed in is the lack of detail on the walls in the background. Something minor to spice up the visuals would have been super useful, but I'm not sure how to do that. The color scheme also feels a little off.
I really like the beginning music, but the music in the storm section has too much chaos without increasing the intensity. It sounds too much like I haphazardly put soundfx in the background. (which is basically what I did.) It works ok with the lighting flashes, but It doesn't sound good alone.
The way it integrates with the theme is not very good. I had no idea what to do for a theme, so I decided to make a platformer, (which I have never actually done before), and figure out the theme later. In the end, I am happy with the storm section, but it was essentially tacked on to the ending. I have no idea what the story is supposed to be. Is the character an electron? or just a green rectangle. I tried to make it into a robot, but I hated all the art I came up with, so I went back to a rectangle. 
I love the feel of the controls. I still didn't solve the unintuitive walljumping that is pervasive in so many platformers, but once you get the hang of it, it is nice. I wonder if making the super-bounce a necessary control to beat the game will make it too difficult for new players, but I think it makes the controls feel juicy, and it makes speedrunning a blast.